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Ukraine president Zelensky fires lawmaker, visits Thailand amid war situation


Volodymyr ZelenskiyPhoto: Reuters file photo photo collected

Ukraine's ruling Servant of the People party has fired its lawmaker Mykola Tyshenko. The decision was made to travel to Thailand on a private initiative amid the war situation in Ukraine. News from AFP.

Most Ukrainians aged 18-60 have been barred from leaving the country under martial law since the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine in February last year. Recently, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi imposed various restrictions to ensure accountability of government officials as well. This week, Ukrainian President Zelensky banned officials from traveling abroad at personal expense.

In a statement published on the website of the Embassy of Thailand in Ukraine yesterday, it is said that Mykola Tyshenko will meet with Ukrainian expatriates in a hotel there. Then party spokesperson Yulia Palychuk said on Friday that Mykola Tyshenko has been fired from Servant of the People.

Tyshenko wrote in a Facebook post that he went on a business trip to Asia with the permission of party leaders. He also claims that he is working only in the interest of Ukraine. However, Parliament Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk said he did not authorize any such travel.

More than 12 senior officials have resigned or been fired this week. Among them is a deputy consul. While vacationing in Spain, he came under heavy criticism from the media.

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