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DNCC and Detroit's 'Sister City' Agreement

 Photo: Collected.

Dhaka North City Corporation Mayor Atiqul Islam and Detroit Mayor Mike E. Dagan signed the agreement at Detroit City Hall on Thursday (January 26) at 12 noon local time.

Under the agreement, Detroit will help in all sectors of urban development including city cleanliness, traffic management, drainage. The mayor of DNCC thinks that the relationship between Dhaka and the United States will be strengthened through this.

Michigan is surrounded by lakes. One of the largest cities in this state is Detroit. Fresh water lakes, and clean environment have given this city an extra dimension. At this time of the year, even though it is covered in snow, the traffic throughout the city does not have to gain much speed.

Modern and eco-friendly city planning and its proper implementation has given this city the title of Pure Detroit. Using this experience DNCC has signed a sister city memorandum of understanding with any US city for the first time.

Under this, Detroit will know better about the management of a populous city like Dhaka. On the other hand, this city of Michigan will help in several matters including drainage and traffic of Dhaka city.

The DNCC mayor believes that this agreement will help to build modern Dhaka as well as add a new dimension not only to Detroit but also to the relationship with the United States. Atiqul also said that the mayor of Detroit will visit Bangladesh soon.

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