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They satiated their hunger by eating clay biscuits

 Photo: Collected

In the words of the poet Sukanta, "The world is prosaic in the state of hunger/ The full moon is like scorched bread" Nothing compares to the pain of the hungry. There are hundreds of countries and cities all over the world. Each life form is different there. But everywhere the pain of poverty is the same pain

This is the rule of nature - as the destruction of civilization goes on one side, the reconstruction goes on the other. Because of this, it can be seen that when the citizens of a country are happily spending their days with money and food, there are still hungry faces. There is still a food crisis in the world. People find many ways to overcome this crisis.

The inhabitants of Haiti are eating soil to save their lives in the pursuit of hunger. The incident is not a fairy tale. To the east of Cuba, this country of 27,570 square kilometers has a population of 10 million. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted in the world every day. Its annual losses amount to 750 million US dollars. The number is not less.
Haitians have a per capita income of less than $2. The people of the country live in extreme poverty. Good nutritious food is a dream for the indigenous people of Haiti. They are satisfied if they can survive somehow.

Everyone in Haiti eats clay biscuits. A type of yellow soil is found in Plateau area of ​​the country. Biscuits are made from this soil. They believe that this soil contains calcium. As a result, pregnant women of that country are also being fed this soil for several years. Some make a kind of Mand with this special yellow soil, some with a little salt, and some with oil and salt. The dough is made into biscuits and dried in the sun. They are eaten after drying.

It is very harmful to health. Doctors say that bacteria called helminth grows in the soil which causes malnutrition. A few years ago, an NBC News reporter ate this biscuit while doing a report. He wrote, "It melts as soon as you put it in your mouth." But for a long time the body and tongue feel uncomfortable.

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