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Tensions between Iran and Azerbaijan are rising


news of the day 1/29/2023

Tensions between Tehran  and Baku have been rising over the death of one person in an attack on the Azerbaijan embassy in Iran.  Azerbaijan's president has ordered all embassy officials to return home, describing the incident as a terrorist attack. News from CNN 

On Friday (January 27th ), an armed man entered the Azerbaijan embassy in Tehran and opened fire. The head of the embassy's security was killed in the incident. Police rushed to the spot and arrested on of the suspect.

Azerbaijan has strongly protested the attack on its embassy. The country's president called the incident a terrorist attack and demanded the highest punishment for the attacker. Her also directed the embassy officials to return home.

Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry spokesman Aikhan Hajizada said: "We want to see the perpetrators punished quickly. According to the Vienna Agreement, the security of the embassy must be ensured. We have informed Tehran many times, but they did not listen to us. Iran's.

injured in the earthquake in Iran. At the same time, he has ordered a full investigation into the incident. The country's Foreign Ministry said that a preliminary investigation found that there was no political motive in the attack.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossin Amir Abdullahin said: "This is not a terrorist attack. We're looking it seriously. As far as it seems is a personal reson. Iran

An Azerbaijani woman though the attacker is an Iranian. He did it for family and personal reasons. Meanwhile, the United Nations strongly condemned the attack. At the same time, the injured have been wished for speedy recovery.

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