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Japan tops the daily death toll from Corona


Photo: Collected

Another 1 thousand 186 people have died in the last 24 hours due to Corona around the world. At this time, 2 lakh 1 thousand 11 people were infected with the virus. And 2 lakh 67 thousand 213 people have recovered.

This information was obtained from Worldometers, a website that keeps track of the corona, on Thursday (January 26) morning.

In the last 24 hours, the highest number of corona infections and deaths in the world have occurred in Japan. During this time, 79 thousand 354 people were newly infected in the country and 368 people died.

In addition, 26 thousand 632 people were infected in the United States and 313 people died. In South Korea, 19,538 people have been infected and 25 have died. In Brazil, 92 people have died and 12,452 new infections. 5 thousand 347 people have been infected in France.

At the same time, 6,442 people were infected in Russia and 44 people died. In Hungary, 627 people have been infected and 29 have died. In Taiwan, 16 thousand 518 people have been infected and 22 people have died. In Hong Kong, 2,295 people have been infected and 27 people have died.

67 crore 39 lakh 93 thousand 262 people have been infected with corona so far in the world. A total of 67 lakh 51 thousand 866 people died. During this time, a total of 64 crore 59 lakh 63 thousand 952 people have recovered.

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